
First Tech Challenge – Gracious Professionalism

The Crew is a First Tech Challenge Team. STEM, Robotics, and building a high tech future for your rural community.

Preparing Kids for the high tech jobs and possibly building startups in our community.

Space Jam

Space Jam is what you would have wished for when you were a Scout.  More accessible than the National Jamboree, in some cases bigger!  We reach out and talk with Astronauts in the International Space Station, we video conference with NASA trainer, we land helicopters, discover SCUBA, hammer hot metal, battle with Bots, and produce 3D videos... So Cool you will come back with your whole unit year after year.

Red Cross Lifeguard

The Lifesaving merit badge is the one you can really be proud of, and becoming a Red Cross Lifeguard now earns you the BSA Lifeguard patch. Lifeguard training also opens up a great career for a 15 year old. What other job are you saving lives, responsible for keeping people safe, and the responsibility of enforcing rules. Your career starts here with the yearly Crew 272 program at Fountain Central High School.